Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We Are MOVING!!!

Its official, Keena and I will be moving in with my friend Caitlyn and her lovely gang of pooches! We were waiting on approval from her landlord because Keena will be the fourth dog that lives there! Its going to be a bit crazy at first, I'm sure, but I know the pooches will figure it all out eventually.  We have been trying to go over there and get the pooches together and most of the time they are fine but they have had a few spats here and there. Caitlyn also has a cat and Keena can be very interested in him but I'm sure she will be fine. For the first few weeks she and I will spend a lot of time in my room and gradually come out more and more. Keena is a little confused already about the packing and she follows me around and tries to sniff everything that I pick up and put in a box or move. I am sure this is going to be a big transition for her but I am pretty sure she  will b e fine. The thing that she cares about most is me ( I feel so special and lucky!) and as long as I am with her I don't think she will have any complaints. I am hoping that in time she will learn to enjoy her new roommates...maybe even make some new friends. :)  Let the packing begin! (Eek...this part is not exciting.)

"Hey, why are my bones in here?"

"Moving? The bones come with us, right?"

"Sounds like a lot of work...good luck mom."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Milano Inn Fundraisor

Tonight was a special event for Keena and myself! We picked up Charles and headed to the Milano Inn in Indy. The owners were kind enough to host a fundraisor for the Forever Friends Great Dane Rescue and give our group 10% of all the profits! It was a hit! It started at 4pm and we got there a little after 4:30 because I had to work today and the patio was already pretty packed. Local pet stores and doggy bakeries were so kind and sharing. Keena got a doggy goody bag with treats, a tennis ball, food samples and coupons (really good ones) and she got a sporty green "neck-er-chief", if you will. She really enjoys socializing with the other dogs and getting lots of attention from the other dane people. She is a really good spokesdog for the breed. I had AT LEAST ten people come up to me and tell me how well behaved she is. I would really like to take all the credit for it but I must give props to Keena. She is, in general, a very good dog. She doesn't get into things she isnt supposed, comes when called, listens to commands and does not bark. Now, I do have a hand in some of her behavior as I do train her and work with her but for the most part she is just a laid back dog who likes to find the shady spot of the yard and lay down. I really enjoyed being able to tell her story for her. Since this was a funraisor for Great Danes, what better way to get people to donate money and buy more delicious food than to tell them about Keena's rescue story? I did not get Keena fromt he FFGDRI but she still has a touching story. Another great thing about events like this is that they are exhausting for her! Some people think that to tire a dog you need to just run them around like crazy and work out their bodies. That does help, don't get me wrong, but what a lot of people don't realize is that being around all of those people and other dogs while still listening to commands and using her "manners" is very tiring! She is already snoring on the couch next to me! I had a wonderful time with my amazing Keena, the always fantastic Charles and all of my Great Dane friends! Not to mention the food was SPECTACULAR!!!  I hope the FFGDRI raised a lot of money to save more danes with!!!

Pic of their awesome patio. Story about the Harlequin dane (the black and white one, I know its small): That dane is named Wrigley. Wrigley is only 8 months old and is taller than Keena and weighs 140lbs!!! For those of you that have met my dog....he is already bigger than her at 8 MONTHS!!! Full grown he will probably reach about 200 lbs. :)

Keena in her sporty green "neck-er-chief"

Looking cute in the kerchief

So tired!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sun Bathing

 Keena loves to sun bathe! I often find her laying in the sunniest spots of the house. I decided that we needed to have a sun bathing photo shoot and she became quite the model. I guess every good model needs the proper lighting. :)

I love her jowels...they are one of my favorite parts of this gorgeous dog.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Beauty of Dogs

  The life of a dog is a simple one. They have rules that outline how they live in a pack and that tell them how they must interact with other dogs in order to survive. They respect each other and even though they may fight and have disagreements they know how to solve the problem. Now, when a dog fight breaks out it can be scary and dangerous but if you watch what is happening, understand what is going on and observe the results afterwards it can be beautiful. I watch Keena interact with other dogs all the time. She is a power house and a major presence in the room. I watch as people show their fear of her and try to run away like she is vicious simply because she is large and powerful. Dogs don't discriminate that way. They may act in fear and lash out, but once they are able to approach her and take in her scent normally that is that. They read her energy and together they can learn how their roles fit in with each other. Dogs know no color, deformations, or mental illnesses and they will love you no matter what. If I am having a bad day Keena will come up and be extra clingy that day....she knows how I am feeling. She doesn't judge...if you have a hand to scratch her head with she will become your best friend. I wish that we could all live and learn like dogs...experience life through the eyes of a dog. Keena is absolutely gorgeous and she doesn't even know it or care about it! Only humans dwell on her beautiful amber eyes or how shiny her coat is. All Keena cares about is that she gets her tummy rub everyday, gets to eat two meals a day, and has me by her side. She is my body guard, companion, best friend, child, clown, but most of all she is my dog. She doesn't try to be something she is not (besides maybe a lap dog, haha). Dogs don't care if they are a little pudgy, or even if they only have three legs! They don't see the superficial things but instead appreciate our energy and "inner dog" as I like to think about it.
  I had a very bad day at work today. I got injured physically and emotionally. It pains me to know that there are still so many ignorant people out there. When I came home, Keena could tell I was agitated. After she had eaten her dinner she walked over to me on the couch. She sat down in front of me, looked me in the eye, and gave me a big slobbery kiss. Somehow I knew exactly what she was saying...."don't worry, mom; be happy!" and she actually made me laugh. Her world is so simple and beautiful and I am very glad she pulled me back into the big picture. Love should be unconditional and wonderful. If you want love you must give it out...everyday....all day if you can! Keena got an extra long belly rub today. :)