You may have noticed in previous pictures that Keena is always wearing a gentle leader when I walk her. The brand I bought is actually called, "Halti". When people see us on the streets some people are scared because they think its a muzzle. If you do no know anything about gentle leaders they are NOT muzzles! I think this invention is one of the best things that has come into our lives! With this tool I am able to walk Keena without getting my arm pulled out of socket or be dragged down the street. With the Halti she has learned to walk nicely and not be pulling every which way. It is unfortunate that people see it and think she is mean or will bite them because of it. Some people ask me if it really works or why I don't just get a choke chain or pinch collar. First of all, yes it does work! If it did not work I would have scratch marks from the street on my face. Second of all, I personally do not like choke chains and pinch collars because most people do not know how to properly use them. They can be great tools as well, as long as you are tought how to use them the correct way. Also, choke chains and pinch collars do not stop Keena at all! She will pull harder than ever with them on and it makes me more miserable. Also, when I got Keena I noticed that she has marks on her neck from where a collar or some sort of chain had dug into her neck. Putting a choker or pinch collar on her makes me nervous and kind of uncomfortable because I have no clue how badly her previous owners treated her. For now, we will stick with the Halti because it works and she gets excited when she sees it so she must like it!
Sitting pretty with her Halti on. Best purchase I have made for her!
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